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  • Coriandrum Sativum
  • Umbelliferae
  • Umbel family

Common Names

Bug dill
Coriander seed
Chinese parsley
Dhanyaka (Sanskrit name)
Stinking dill
Yan-shi (Chinese name)

Parts Usually Used

Leaves, seed


Coriander is an annual herb that belongs to the carrot family (Umbelliferae). The unripe fruits have a smell that has been compared to that of bedbugs. The plant is named after koris, the Greek word for bug. However when ripe, the seeds have a distinctive sweet citrus/mint/musty aroma that has been valued over the centuries.

The parts that are used are the fruit, and sometimes for salads and soups - the fresh leaves. The fruit (so-called seeds) are of globular form, beaked, finely ribbed, yellowish-brown 1/5 inch in diameter, with five longitudinal ridges, separable into two halves (the mericarps), each of which is concave internally and shows two broad, longitudinal oil cells (vittae). The seeds have an aromatic taste and, when crushed, a characteristic odour.

Medicinal Properties

Alterative, antispasmodic, appetizer, aromatic, carminative, stomachic, pungent, cordial, diuretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant

Stimulant, aromatic and carminative. The powdered fruit, fluid extract and oil are chiefly used medicinally as flavouring to disguise the taste of active purgatives and correct their griping tendencies. It is an ingredient of the following compound preparations of the Pharmacopceia: confection, syrup and tincture of senna, and tincture and syrup of Rhubarb, and enters also into compounds with angelica gentian, jalap, quassia and lavender. As a corrigent to senna, it is considered superior to other aromatics.

If used too freely the seeds become narcotic.

Coriander water was formerly much esteemed as a carminative for windy colic.


Coriander can be applied externally for rheumatism, and painful joints. It improves the flavor of other medicinal preparations and stimulates the appetite. Used to treat diarrhea and colic, also cystitis, urticaria, rash, burns, sore throat, vomiting, indigestion, allergies, hay fever. A good stomach tonic and very strengthening to the heart. Will stop gripping caused by laxatives and expel wind from the bowels. At one time it was considered to have aphrodisiac effects. Used to flavor bread and liqueurs. Has the reputation to repel aphids.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 09 March 2010 11:50